Cherry Tomatoes
Ripe and ready cherry tomatoes, sourced from local suppliers.
Best before date – 6 days. (This is an estimate. Official Use by / Best before dates will be on packaging)
Min Weight
- British
- Vegetarian
- Fresh

Small, sweet, and bursting with flavor, cherry tomatoes are a versatile favorite in salads, snacks, and gourmet dishes. Their vibrant colors and juicy texture make them a delicious and nutritious addition to any meal.
Cooking Tips
Simply serve in a salad or grill with your steak or breakfast!
Cherry Tomatoes
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Delivery Service
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We’ve always had certain things we like done a certain way. And most of these have to do with making fresh food from the finest ingredients. Like our flour. We get it straight from the mill for our pies and pastries. And our meats, freshly supplied by reputable farmers with a keen sense of quality. Even our seasonal fruit and veg comes straight from local farms, and then goes right into our customers’ baskets and ready meals.